AmazonGlobal Saver ships to Singapore for FREE, if you have purchases over $125.

But not everyone has that much to buy, at least not for that moment. Fret not, we can pool together our purchases, and still enjoy the free shipping!

How it works

  1. You enter the item to buy (form below)
  2. I reply via email/whatsapp to confirm the amount in SGD
  3. You transfer the amount to my POSB Savings bank account
  4. I make the purchase and notify you of the expected delivery date
  5. You come to Yishun to collect, or pay for local postage

Important Information

The exchange rate is:

1 USD = 1.46 SGD

The exchange rate is that of Amazon, and will be updated periodically.

My house is 3 min walk from Yishun MRT, and you can collect anytime. Exact address will be send in private email/whatsapp.

You can also request the item to be delivered to you. The local postage will, of course, be bear by you.

Amazon Mass Order Form

Multiple Items

If you have multiple items, enter the form for each item.

For contact details, just enter your name.


Mrs Ong

Shopping Queen, and Mother of a SG50 Baby Girl

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